About me

My name is Annie

For 30 years I have carried around inside me the ability to draw.  Oh, it has come out in various small ways – usually in gifts; a class or two.  But by and large, I’ve let it sit idle and have done nothing with it.

I believe that abilities are given to us by God for the purpose of being used.  He is the Master Workman, who created us each with a vision in mind.  To downplay the abilities we have and let them go unused is to discredit the Creator of these designs.

So this is me: 30 years old and attempting to live by what I believe.

For the time being this will be by-request commission work.  All profits for 2009 will go toward supporting ministries around the globe.  Perhaps in the future, I can turn it into a source of sustainable income I can generate from home.

The future is too big for me.  Today, I take this step.

There is a story in the Bible about a king who went away. He entrusted ten of his servants with ten minas during his absence, and instructed them to do something profitable with it. All of the ten had something to give back on his return, except for one. This man was afraid, and hid what he had. On the king’s return, the other nine were rewarded with more. But the tenth incurred the anger of the king, who then took away all that he had given him. Luke 19:11-27